So today I was deciding what we wanted to eat for dinner. I ended up deciding on Vietnamese salad rolls. I went to the freezer and pulled out a frozen pork tenderloin, and to the pantry and fridge for the rest. I realized I was missing a fair bit of ingredients, so I texted my other half (who was out taking the 2 older girls shopping). Just a little side note: In our household, I usually do all the grocery shopping and the cooking. So I was kinda worried what he might bring home, or if he would be able to find these items. So here is the list I told him to get - rice paper, coconut milk, vermicelli noodles (the one in the red pack), lettuce (any leafy lettuce like romaine or green/red leaf and no head lettuce), 500ml of whipping cream, bean sprouts (only if they look fresh).
So this is what he comes home with.
- rice paper - check
- 2 cans of coconut milk- check
- vermicelli noodles - in a all clear package, not in the red package. He couldn't find that specific one. So I ended up calling my mom to bring some over --ummmm, I guess he gets a check for that
- Head Lettuce- yes, head lettuce - Fail
- whipping cream in a can (I wanted one that was in a carton so I could whip it up for a cake)- half fail
- bean sprout- he said "it was the last one left". So imagine the shape of these bean sprouts. I spent about half an hour picking through it to get the good ones and pick off all the ugly roots attached.- Fail, because it was so much more work for me. If he didn't bring it home I wouldn't have to spent the time picking through it and it probable still taste fine.
I guess he deserves a pat on the back for trying. Good job Josh!
So you want to know how I make salad rolls,
Here is what you need
- pork (I've used many different cuts before, usually my mom uses the belly part which has more fat, but I usually use tenderloin)
- rice Vermcelli (the one in the red package is best)
- lettuce
- bean sprouts
- mint
- shrimp
- (you can be creative and add other ingredients- cucumber, chicken, crab meat, carrots....)
Peanut dipping Sauce

- hoisin sauce (this brand is a little thicker)
- peanut butter (chucky is better, but I only had smooth)
- coconut milk
1. Soak the rice vermicelli in water for a few hours before.
(this is the one I like to use, the other ones are too thin)
2. Boil the pork until done, take it out and let it rest for a few minutes. Then thinly slice the pork
3. Cook the shrimp, then peel and devein the shrimp (if your lazy you can use the frozen precooked shrimp as well)
3. Add the soaked vermicelli to boiling water and take out with in 1-2 mins. (do not over cook or it will be come mushy). Drain, and rinse with cold water.
4. wash lettuce, mint and bean sprouts
5. Now your ready to roll. Run the rice paper under warm water and place down on a clean dry counter. They I usually put the veggies first, then the noodles and the meat and shrimp on top.
6. Now for the sauce. Melt about 1 tablespoon for peanut butter in a sauce pan
7. now add half a jar of hoisin sauce, let it bubble a bit
8. add half a (large) can of coconut milk and mix well.